I’m not just “the financial guy without a soul”. I love to live life to its fullest, and I’m passionate to help you do the same by teaching you how to plan your own unique revolutionary retirement future: one that is both financially secure in today’s economy and emotionally fulfilling for your soul.
Before I get to the “official portfolio” of my experience in the financial field, it’s important for me to get to know each other at that – you know – personal human interaction level. So, I’m gonna kick things off by first sharing some things about me 😊
I have a dream to live on a sailboat on the ocean for a part of my life, but I’m terrified of sharks!
I believe matters of the heart are much more important than the things money can buy.
I meditate nearly every morning, it starts my day off on the right foot.
Few things get my attention more than powerful motors.
Auto correct saves me every time I spell receive, even though I know it’s ‘i’ before ‘e’ except after ‘c’.
My wife kicks my butt in Scrabble.
My daughter and I love to watch “funny cat” videos on YouTube.
Working outside is one of my many therapies. I love it!
Believe it or not, I have never seen Big Foot in the mountains of Colorado.
I can fix almost anything.
Some say Fort Collins Colorado is the micro-brewery capital of the country. Well isn’t that funny, I live here.
For the last summer of my college career, a buddy and I drove our cars to Colorado with no job and no place to live. We found a place to live and jobs the day after we arrived in Colorado. It was one of the best summers of my life!
I was a collegiate gymnast and held an iron cross for 55 seconds.
I won a mechanical bull-riding contest on the beach in Playa del Carmen in 2015.
Hammocks are my favorite. That’s where you’ll find me relaxing when it’s nice out.
I’m absolutely horrible at bowling, but I have a blast and love to roll!
When I tried to play baseball as a kid, I got the nickname “scatter arm”. Needless to say, organized baseball didn’t last long for me.
I love working with the 55 and older crowd, they are usually much wiser and just as much fun as the younger crowd.
Years ago, I heard the expression, “The mark of a true professional — someone with a deep understanding of their subject — is the one who can take the complex and explain it very simply.” That’s what I strive to do every day.
The whole reason I happened to get into this career is because I didn’t understand “the lingo”. No one ever offered to help and the few people I talked to threw out so many big words and spoke so fast. I just figured they were smarter than me and I should just do what I was told.
So I decided to get financially smart and before I knew it, I unlocked my passion helping people design comprehensive solutions to safeguard their financial future.
Fast forward more than 16 years later, since then I have served as an advisor to advisors; assisting attorneys, CPAs and financial advisors serve their clients and I am also a financial expert contributing author on Money.com, Forbes.com, Fortune.com, US News, Annuity 123, Simple Dollar, and Credit.com.
Having experienced how difficult it was before for me to understand “the lingo” and complexities of this field, I have made it a policy to make retirement planning simple to understand and fun.
I believe in people and the truth. I’ve heard about and seen too many good people get absolutely lied to and harmed because of greed on Wall Street. It still really ticks me off how the big banks were bailed out of the problems they created, while good hard-working people got no help at all. I believe we should all be able to live our American dream in retirement.
I am passionate working with the 55-80 crowd. Why? Part of the reason is because of my experience in advising: individuals, families, employers, associations, attorneys and CPA’s of, how to best solve the long-term healthcare cost problem according to the personal situation at hand. Over time, I’ve realized that advising clients over 55 is a different discipline than advising clients who are just starting out. I deeply understand that the needs of pre-retirees near retirement typically change focus from pure accumulation of assets to more asset preservation – and I know how to deliver this.
I believe in America and Main Street investors, this motivates me to be at the tip of the spear, a part of the charge and helping good people access transparent, honest, and expert advice built on the values of love, authenticity and fairness.
It’s my hope that the content on this site empowers you to have the most fulfillment in your relationships, finances, and experiences during retirement!