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Dreaming of a happy retirement? Then you MUST read this…

Discover The Simple Strategies Anyone Can Do To Enjoy a Revolutionary Retirement With Ease, Security & Fulfillment

Matthew Jackson, a Retirement Planning Specialist, reveals simple strategies to avoid the common pitfalls of retirement so you can design a revolutionary retirement where you can finally realize the dreams you’ve been putting off during your working life.


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Most people think retirement is the happy ending that comes after a long stressful career. However, it’s not.

Many people struggle with retirement in ways they never imagined would happen. It’s not just about not having enough money. Even those who have saved up for a comfortable retirement struggle with the many unspoken pitfalls of retirement.

We’re talking about common retirement pitfalls such as:

  • Retirement increases your risk of clinical depression by 40% (Source: Institute of Economic Affairs May 2013)
  • Retirement raises your chances of being diagnosed with a physical condition by 60% (Source: Institute of Economic Affairs May 2013)
  • Divorce rates have doubled since 1990 for couples over 50 after suffering from what’s known as the “Retired Husband Syndrome” (Source: Bowling Green State University study)
  • Numerous studies suggest retirement can be a trigger to increased consumption of alcohol and drug abuse. The common reasons stated for turning to alcohol in retirement are: to cheer myself up, combat loneliness, relieve tension and counter boredom (Source: Next Avenue, 2017)
  • New retirees can be more vulnerable to suicide. One Canadian study revealed increase in the number of suicides by newly retired pensioners in Quebec (Source: PubMed, ‘Suicide at the Age of Retirement’, 1992 May;88(5):39-41)

We don’t want you to fall into these common pitfalls of retirement. That’s why we invite you to join us on a retirement revolution which helps you prepare for retirement both financially and emotionally.

In this e-book, “Your Revolutionary Retirement: Strategies to Retire with Ease, Security & Fulfillment”, you’ll learn:

  • How to structure your money and savings to create a fulfilling retirement, full of personal growth and new challenges
  • The 3 types of money every person needs to know, to create a retirement with financial security for both the desired, such as travel, and the unplanned, such as medical emergencies
  • Effective strategies to avoid falling into a dull retirement lifestyle lacking excitement, positive challenges, contribution in significant ways, personal growth and ultimately, fulfillment
  • Powerful insights from interviews with over 1,000 retirees which you can apply to find a new purpose and next level of fulfillment in your retirement
  • How you can leverage your Triangle of Success to move past any obstacle you may have had in the past that prevented you from living a life true to yourself
  • …and much, much more

Within the 15 minutes that it will take to read this power-packed short e-book, you’ll have a brand new approach to plan your revolutionary retirement and truly prepare for the best time of your life.

About Matt

Matthew Jackson is a Retirement Planning Specialist, passionate to help people to be their best-financially and personally, so they can live retirement to its fullest. For over 16 years, Matthew has served as an advisor to advisors – he has assisted attorneys, CPAs and financial advisors by designing comprehensive solutions to safeguard their client’s financial future.

Today, Matthew has combined the best of his experience in the insurance industry and the securities industry to help people plan their own unique revolutionary retirement future: one that is both financially secure in today’s economy and emotionally fulfilling.

Matthew Jackson is a financial contributing author for:

  • Money Forbes
  • Fortune
  • Us News
  • Annuity123
  • Credit.com
  • Simple