Uncategorized Archives - Retirement Dream Maker

For long-term investments, if your Roth IRA and Traditional IRA were invested in the same models at precisely the same time, both accounts would have exactly the same amount of growth. The difference, however, is how each account is taxed when the client accesses money. Roth IRA’s receive a...

For older people, getting out of the house regularly may contribute to a longer life - and the effect is independent of medical problems or mobility issues, according to new research from Israel. For study participants in their 70s, 80s and 90s, the frequency with which...

We interviewed our Muslim co-workers and some observers of the Ramadan – the month-long tradition of fasting and spiritual reflection before Eid – on what it means to them.   Every year, over 1 billion people around the world celebrate Ramadan — a month-long tradition of fasting...

Huddle up. Let’s have a quick Strategy Session about who has their hand is in your pocket. Let me share with you a quick story of a client experience I had in the office recently.I found myself sitting across the desk from a fella who...

Let’s huddle up and have a quick strategy session about Inspiration. I was recently thinking about inspiration and what it is that keeps me inspired. Is it one certain song in the morning or a particular speaker or person or place I want to be...

Thankfully, we are living during a time that we are literally writing the definition of what retirement means. No generation in the history of our world has the opportunities that the baby-boomers are enjoying. The baby-boomer generation is the wealthiest and healthiest retiree generation in...